Senior profile: Zac Buckley
Question: What are some of your strengths as a football player, and what are some of the things you’ve had to work at the hardest to become the player you are?
Answer: One of my biggest strengths is my leadership, something I’ve had to work on.
Q: What does it mean to you to be a Chieftain and what do you want your legacy to be?
A: It means to be a productive citizen of Logan who competes their best. I want to be remembered as (being on) one of the playoff teams.
Q: What are some of the ways that you show senior leadership to your underclassman teammates?
A: I bring enthusiasm to make practice more enjoyable.
Q: What other sports do you play, besides football, and what is your favorite sport and why?
A: Track… but nothing beats football.
Q: What are some of your top athletic accomplishments or memories?
A: Beating Chillicothe freshman year.
Q: Do you have any pregame rituals or routines?
A: I like to just hang out with my boys.
Q: Hobbies?
A: I collect shoes.
Q: What do you want to do when you are an adult, and why?
A: I wish I knew.
Q: If you could meet one person from any era of history, who would it be and why?
A: A young Eazy-E, to hopefully prevent his untimely death.
Q: Who has had the greatest influence on your life, and why?
A: My dad. He takes care of everything I need.
Q: Favorite college team?
A: Ohio State.
Q: Favorite television show?
A: House of Cards.
Q: Favorite movie?
A: Pulp Fiction.
Q: Favorite video game?
A: Duck Hunt.
Q: What's your favorite school subject, and why?
A: Government.